Arise Advising

Imagining the possibilities. Achieving your goals.

Arise Advising provides expert support to students and their families through the college admissions process.

“The college search and decision can be overwhelming for everyone involved, but it doesn’t have to be.”

At Arise Advising, Barbara Rifkind helps you find your best path through the college search, application, and admission processes while supporting both the student and the parent. Your family will feel understood and valued, your student will gain self-knowledge and self-mastery, and together we will drive toward your student’s success.
Barbara Rifkind

Our Services

College Planning

College Orientation Planning

For families with students in Grades 9 and 10 who want to gain a clear view of your best strategies, focus early on what matters, and have the confidence to enjoy your student’s high school years


College Search and Admissions

For families with students in Grade 11 through Grade 12, the Arise Milestones follows a customized path that will increase their choice power and engagement through their college journey – and reduce everyone’s stress

Individual Services

Our Individual Services

Our individual services are for those students and parents who would like a helping hand with specific aspects of the college admissions process

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